Author name: Tristan

[VIDEO] Trotz strenger Facebook-Compliance konvertierende Werbeanzeigen schreiben? So geht’s (3 Tipps)

Nachdem ich hunderte Facebook-Anzeigen geschrieben habe hier 3 einfache Tipps, um trotz FB-Compliance gute Conversions zu bekommen. Du willst mit mir an einem Direct Response Copywriting-Projekt z.B. für Facebook Ads, Advertorials, Emails, etc. zusammenarbeiten? Dann einfach auf das “Work With Me” unter diesem Text klicken. Das führt dich auf die nächste Seite, wo du […]

[VIDEO] Trotz strenger Facebook-Compliance konvertierende Werbeanzeigen schreiben? So geht’s (3 Tipps) Read More »

Why most people approach offers ass-backwards (and what to do instead)

What I learned analyzing a shitload of high-converting SaaS landing + booking pages (let me preface that this isn’t my own knowledge, but something I picked up from my mentor as well as the great Eugene Schwartz). Here’s the old and hard way to approach offer creation: Looking for a product that could be a

Why most people approach offers ass-backwards (and what to do instead) Read More »

How to take your prospects on an emotional rollercoaster to make them throw their credit cards at you

When writing copy, nothing should happen at random. Every sentence needs to serve a purpose. And before a single word even hits the paper (or Google Doc), the roadmap must be established. When Eugene Schwartz said “copy isn’t written, it’s assembled”, that’s what he was talking about.  You collect all crucial elements that every great

How to take your prospects on an emotional rollercoaster to make them throw their credit cards at you Read More »

[VIDEO] Tai Lopez Facebook Ad Breakdown – Why “The Truth” Doesn’t Matter

(Picture source: Tai Lopez YT video.) Tai Lopez is arguably one of the biggest names in internet marketing. He regularly stalks everyone that could only remotely be interested in his offers for days, weeks, even months through his Facebook and YouTube ads. One of his incredibly effective tactics is his ability to create an environment

[VIDEO] Tai Lopez Facebook Ad Breakdown – Why “The Truth” Doesn’t Matter Read More »

[VIDEO] Paleohacks email breakdown: “60 Sec bedtime ritual rebuilds your teeth and gums overnight”

To become the best copywriter I can be, I need to sharpen my tools all the constantly. Besides writing copy every day, I always analyze FB ads, emails, sales letters so that I can see what’s working now in direct response copywriting. But what’s in it for you if I just analyze these ads by

[VIDEO] Paleohacks email breakdown: “60 Sec bedtime ritual rebuilds your teeth and gums overnight” Read More »

Eugene Schwartz’s Secret Technique to Come up With Creative Ideas “On Demand”

Classical music… It used to bore the F out of me. But when the OG, Eugene Schwartz, was invited to speak at Rodale Press on May 11th, 1994…  Only to end up talking about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart…  I paid very close attention! Among many nuggets, Schwartz revealed his secret technique to escape the conscious mind

Eugene Schwartz’s Secret Technique to Come up With Creative Ideas “On Demand” Read More »