Classical music…

It used to bore the F out of me.

But when the OG, Eugene Schwartz, was invited to speak at Rodale Press on May 11th, 1994… 

Only to end up talking about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart… 

I paid very close attention!

Among many nuggets, Schwartz revealed his secret technique to escape the conscious mind and let his subconscious feed him ideas “on demand” during this speech.

He claims…

This Technique is Responsible For Most of his Breakthrough Ideas.

Here’s what he does: he sets a timer to 33:33 and then lets it run. 

During this time, he’s “on”, working on his copy, writing, editing… 

But once time is up – he walks away from his keyboard!

He won’t do any work for the next 5 minutes.

And this is when his subconscious starts feeding him idea after idea after idea.

But, it got even more interesting:

According to Schwartz, this technique was presented perfectly in the 1984-movie “Amadeus”.

It’s a partly fictional, partly historical movie about the life and music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the most brilliant composers of all times.

And if you pay close attention to the scene starting at 1:06:00… 

You see how Mozart used Gene’s technique to come up with his killer symphonies…

Using a billiard table and a cue ball to constantly balance between work and play.

Now, before seeing “Amadeus”, I was never interested in classical music. It sounded boring, to me, outdated… something boring people would listen to (lol). 

But that all changed after Gene’s “Endorsement”. And I gotta admit that… 

It’s One Of My Favorite Movies Now!

And today, I wanna sell you on one of my favorite movies of all time, “Amadeus”. Even though it’s a movie about music, this is NOT a “cheesy ass” musical. 

As film critic Peter Ebert said about this 153-minute piece it’s a magnificent film, full and tender and funny and charming“.

And unlike other historical dramas, it doesn’t try to be historically accurate.

Instead, it’s very entertaining and dramatic. The writers and actors took their creative freedom to make it timeless, beautiful, funny, dramatic – a joy to watch, filled with emotions.

I’m not surprised that this movie took home 8 Oscars and 4 Golden Globes back then. 

Also, “Rotten Tomatoes” gave it a 93 % approval score and calls it 

A lavish, entertaining, powerful film about the life and influence, both positive and negative, of one of Western culture’s great artists.

Here’s what some users on IMDB wrote about “Amadeus”:

User “possumopossum” commented: “The movie that made me appreciate Mozart” and gave it a 9/10 star rating.

User “JohnDoherty” called it “One of the greatest films of all time” and rated it 10/10.

Then, there was “ma-cortes” rating it an “Awesome period piece with lovely production design, outstanding score and top-notch acting”, with 8/10 stars.

And finally, “MovieAddict2016” called it “A brilliantly ambitious, sprawling, and truly epic film”, rating it 10/10.

Now, a lot of people have seen this film since it came out in 1984.

But how many dared to look beyond the silly wigs…

Beyond Mozart’s ridiculous, yet awesome laugh…

Beyond the musical carpet that laces this movie with such perfection, it sucks you in the entire 153 minutes… 

And can also see this genius at work, sitting on his billiard table, taking advantage of the brain’s unique power to be creative…

Tapping into the universal, subconscious mind?

I have a feeling not many.

Except for geniuses such as the late, great Eugene Schwartz.

And now, you!

So if you want to see how Mozart used Gene’s secret technique to perfection…

Experience one of the most immersive movies that I know… 

And even get some unconscious musical education “by accident”… 

You need to watch “Amadeus” ASAP.



The movie soundtrack features 32 of Mozart’s songs.

And after watching this movie, you’ll be able to identify Mozart’s music effortlessly whenever you hear it as the scenes are interlinked with the music in your mind.

This basic classical music education has often helped me connect deeper with people I had no common ground with otherwise.

Sure, it won’t help in your everyday life…

But it can come in handy when building relationships.


Then head on over to Amazon or Netflix to watch it.